Monday, August 16, 2010

it's not all about me: August 10

it's not all about me: August 10: ","Another update. Lucinda was out to Morden to meet with Home Care co-ordinator, Mary Benson. She managed to meet with her 3 days in a row, making changes and adding more Home Care. We had decided on Friday that we would stop the meals on wheels because of the waste. And add another Home care time so that they could prepare Lunch for Alice and make smaller meals but keeping nutrional foods in as well. The first meeting on Wednesday the 11th of August was very productive. Thursday, Lucinda introduced Alice to a "walker". It has 4 wheels and Alice tried it in her apartment. That went over fairly well. Thursday, Mary Benson dropped in to see how the walker was working and to see if enough Home Care had been provided as changes could then be made. On Friday Lucinda met with the social worker at Tabor Home. Had a tour. Watched the day program people play games. Talked about an ear piece for Alice so that she could hear better. Not a hearing aid. But something similar. We shall see how that works out. Just a note to remember. On Wednesdays, Alice will be going to the Day Program at Tabor Home. So don't expect her to be home those days. As well, she may not remember who you are. Some days are better than others. Friday, Lucinda bought a lot of groceries for Alice. It was in all a very productive time and a very busy time. Oh and Alice has new glasses. Her response when we got home. Was " Oh that's what that says" and " I can read the clock now". She even had the tv on for a bit, now that she could see properly. Well for now that's all we can think of. Feel free to email us if you need more info or if you plan on visiting. Remember to speak slowly and directly to her. She can understand you better then.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

August 10

Alice Melbourne is 93 and will be going to be 94 this January.  Since March of this year her family has been noticing changes that made us realize that we would be having to do some more things for her.  The first change was her memory.  Short term memory is vital to the every day tasks.  The second change was the lack of her calling us.  She generally called at least twice a week.  Well today we are deciding on making a few changes that will help her considerably.  We started home care back in March.  That was not received very well and she told the first worker that she could go home.  She slowly realized that they were there to stay and has since looked forward to their visits.  First we are going to introduce her to a "walker".  Up till now she has been managing without one.  We have watched her walk and she really needs the help of staying stabalized.  Secondly she is getting new glasses.  Third,  more home care is going to be available to her.  Meals on wheels was working for a bit, but we realize that she is not eating all of the portions anyways and most of it is heading for the garbage.  Well she will stick it into the fridge and not use it and then her cleaning lady comes to clean it out.  Thanks Kim.  Well I shall write some more later.